Principle 2: Getting Toxins Out (Part B): Cleansing

This post is a continuation of Part A (which is an introduction to cleansing and detoxification),

and provides more detailed information.

Cleansing Basics

While cleansing

  • Eat organic, raw fruits and veggies, avoid toxins, and juice when you can.
  • Avoid alcohol, sugar, gluten, coffee, corn. Eat whole, unprocessed food.
  • Filter your water, drink lots of it and green tea to ‘flush’ the body.
  • Ingest fermented foods and beverages (Kombucha, kefir).
  • Light exercise, massage, yoga, acupuncture, meditation, and sleep.

Detoxify before and after losing weight

As I mentioned, toxins are stored in fat as most are lipid-soluble. Sudden weight loss can result in the sudden release of toxins that can overwhelm your body’s detoxification systems.

Herxheimer Reactions

If the body eliminates toxins faster than they can be excreted, you may suffer a ‘Herxheimer reaction.’ The more toxic your body is, the more of a ‘healing crisis’ you may experience. Such reactions are temporary and can occur immediately or within several days or weeks of a detox. Old tissues are being replaced with new, pathogens are dying off, and newly released toxins are flooding your systems. Symptoms may mimic your disease, making you think the detox has made things worse which, in a sense, it has. But symptoms should clear within a few days as toxins are eliminated, allowing you to emerge cleansed and healthier. Possible symptoms include gastro-intestinal disturbances, fatigue, headache, insomnia, sinus inflammation, fever, anxiety, and mood swings.

Cleansing in the right order

It is important that you cleanse in the right order so the toxins can freely leave your body instead of getting stopped up somewhere and being reabsorbed. Support your kidneys so that the toxins you free up can leave the body efficiently. Get rid of parasites as well as heavy metals, which create an anaerobic environment where parasites thrive and will come back. Heal your intestinal system so that toxins leave the body and nutrients go where they should.

Supporting your kidneys

It is recommended that you cleanse your kidneys first, or at least support them, as many of the toxins you are releasing will go to your kidneys for processing. Kidney cleanses, available at your health food store, should contain uva ursi, gravel root, and marshmallow root. If you feel you don’t need an actual cleanse, you can support your kidneys with pure organic cranberry juice (the unsweetened kind, no sweeteners, you can mix it with club soda if drinking it straight is too intense for you) and a product called Dr. Michael’s Kidney Factors and/or Kroeger Herb’s Kidney Cleanse Tea. Other kidney-support items include vitamin B6, ginger, garlic, horsetail, warm lemon water, tomatoes, watermelon, cauliflower, red bell pepper, apples, cinnamon, cucumber, kidney beans, onion, cabbage, berries, fish, and olive oil.

Getting rid of mercury and other heavy metals and radiation

Heavy metals create an anaerobic bioterrain, where parasites and cancer thrive. Garlic, cilantro, turmeric, broccoli and other sprouts, and flaxseed are natural chelators… they bind to metals so your body can expel them… as well as being immune boosters and neuroprotectants. Diatomaceous earth and other silica-containing substances, activated charcoal, and Zeolite are porous and bind to remove heavy metals, toxins, and bacteria. Marine algae such as spirulina, chlorella, kelp, and seaweed detoxify metals and radiation. I also use rectal suppositories (Kelatox) and oral chelating supplements (Orachel). Caution: chelating agents may also remove essential minerals. Replace after chelating.

Cleanses and Organ Support

Getting rid of parasites

According to the WHO, half of the world population is harboring parasites. Symptoms include fatigue, depression, apathy, gastrointestinal issues, skin problems, anxiety, mood swings, brain fog, insomnia, weight and appetite problems, muscle and joint issues, iron imbalance, and reproductive problems. The product I use for parasite cleansing is available at your health food store or on-line… Kroeger Herb Wormwood Combination. It has all three of the herbs you need (wormwood, clove, and black walnut hull). These kill all stages of most parasites. Two pills, three times a day for about two weeks. Use the leftovers to give your pets because if you don’t de-parasitize them, you’ll probably reinfect.

Artemesin, or wormwood, has exciting anti-cancer properties. It can be hard on your liver so I do not recommend it if you are currently going through chemo or suffering from liver distress of any type. Papaya seeds are a very effective parasiticide and they detox the liver and support the kidneys. Extract is available or put seeds in smoothies. I toss seeds in coconut oil and turmeric, ginger, cayenne and toast until crispy and sprinkle on my salads and soups.

Several OTC anti-parasite medicines are being found to be effective cancer fighters. Mebendazole (used against pinworms) is a micro-tubule inhibitor that prevents the replication of cells who’ve overgrown their capacity to reproduce correctly… the very nature of cancer. Chloroquine, an anti-malaria compound, has been found to produce a specific tumor-suppressive protein.

Candida cleansing and healing your intestinal tract

Candida is a yeast-like, parasitic fungus that lives in our mouths and intestines. It causes many health problems when it gets out of control. Antibiotics, steroids, diabetes, sugar and food that convert to sugar, and cancer treatments create an environment where candida can thrive. It is also highly correlated with cancer. The mechanisms by which candida and other funguses may contribute to cancer are: inflammation; cancer-causing byproducts (nitrosamines and acetaldehyde); ‘molecular mimicry’ where yeast can masquerade as immune cells hobbling your immune system; and promoting tumor growth by angiogenesis. At the very least, Candida takes advantage of the immune-suppression that accompanies cancer and its toxic treatments. Overgrowth in the intestinal tract can cause leaky gut syndrome where toxins, nutrients, and parasite eggs can get passed directly and inappropriately into the blood stream.

Dr. Tullio Simoncini, an Italian physician who specializes in oncology, diabetes, and metabolic disorders, believes cancer is a fungus1 doing what all fungi do… forming colonies and spreading throughout the host area. He has killed cancer by treating it with anti-fungals. Tumors disappeared after injecting or flushing them with baking soda. One alternative anti-cancer remedy you will see in anecdotal accounts involves mixing baking soda mixed with molasses or maple syrup and baking soda. The theory is similar to how a PET scan works… the sweet works as a ‘Trojan horse’ to get cancer to absorb the mixture, the baking soda then works as a chemotherapeutic agent to kill the cancer/Candida. I have not tried this because I pretty much stay away from sugars, but I have met people who swear by it. I do drink baking soda in my water daily.

  1. Cancer is a fungus: A revolution in tumor therapy, book by Simoncini, Tullio, M.D., 2007.

If you want to identify a Candida problem, do the spit test… Take a glass of room temperature water and spit into it. Come back and look at it in 15 minutes. If there are ‘clouds’ or long, stringy trails, then you do. The spit test has its skeptics but whenever I have symptoms of Candida overgrowth (cravings, irritable gut, sinus problems, headaches, fatigue), my spit has tails and after a cleanse and symptoms have gone away… no tails. Other symptoms include: bad breath, yeast infection, white coat on tongue, brain fog, hormone imbalance, joint pain, loss of sex drive, rashes, eczema, chronic sinus/allergy issues, digestive problems (gas, bloating), a weak immune system, and UTIs.

To cleanse Candida, give up all sugar and high-glycemic-index products (this means no alcohol or pasta or bread, etc.) during this time because they feed the Candida and promote overgrowth. Avoid processed meats, coffee, gluten, corn, and dairy. These foods create an acidic environment and Candida creates mycotoxins that mess with the immune system and are tied to cancer. Drink Pau d’Arco tea… the bark of a tree that kills Candida. I drink tea from the loose bark or put powder in my magic powder. Bitter, it is more palatable mixing it with a fruity herb tea. Do NOT sweeten it as that will feed the Candida. As the Candida dies, It will say “Feed Me!” and you may have sugar cravings like never before. Be strong, don’t give in. It gets easier.

Coconut oil, baking soda, apple cider vinegar help to reduce Candida and other pathogens. Polyphenols in turmeric, chia and flax seeds and coffee are anti-fungals and support the growth of good gut flora to fight the bad flora. Fermented foods and beverages do the same. Take high quality probiotics. Aloe vera juice helps to heal the intestinal lining after the candida is gone. Digestive enzymes support digestion and the liver and pancreas. Other ingredients that help to combat Candida include:  garlic, cayenne, ginger, bentonite clay with calendula, diatomaceous earth, ashwagandha, goldenseal, and oregano, clove, and tea tree oils. When you are undergoing chemo and radiation, you face the danger of developing Thrush, which is basically a Candida overgrowth in your throat. When I started to develop it (even though I was rinsing with salt every day as the doctors suggested), I did a Candida cleanse and I never got it.

Liver Cleanse

Note: If you are actively doing a cytotoxic chemotherapy, such as Afinitor, Ibrance, or Tykerb (research the drug that you are on), there may be a warning about ingesting grapefruit or grapefruit juice while undergoing treatment. That is because it apparently can increase plasma concentrations of chemotherapy and thus the side effects. I haven’t found a warning for other types of citrus except that if you have mouth sores as a side effect of chemo, it will make them sting.

If you are having mouth sores, you probably have a Candida overgrowth in your throat and mouth. You should be getting rid of Candida, doing coconut oil pulling, and gargling with salt water. (see above) Any citrus will work in the cleanse below to make your liver contract and produce bile. If you would like to cleanse your liver and are worried about the citrus connection, consider doing coffee enemas. They are part of the Gerson Therapy protocol.

Signs of a stressed liver:

fatigue             brain fog                  headaches               chronic joint or muscle pain

insomnia         abdominal pain      skin rashes              autoimmune diseases

acne                  anxiety                      allergies                  chemical sensitivities

depression     inflammation         weight gain             chronic bad breath

hormonal imbalances like PMS or menopausal symptoms

digestion issues… gas, heartburn, bloating, diarrhea, constipation

excessive sweating and body odor

For the cleanse:

you need Epsom salts, organic grapefruit, organic olive oil…

  • Eat apples or juice (malic acid) the week before to prep your liver gallbladder.
  • The day of cleanse – I eat a nonfat dinner the night before and only juice and water the day of cleanse. Or eat a non-fat breakfast/lunch, nothing after 2.
  • Make Epsom salt mixture (4 T Epsom salts, 3 cups hot water, dissolve, giving you 4 three-quarter cup doses).
  • 4pm – take 1st dose of Epsom salts mixture, be near a bathroom.
  • 6 pm – take 2nd dose, stay near the bathroom.
  • 9:45 pm – make cleanse mixture. Squeeze organic grapefruit to create 1 cup juice, put in shaker jar with 3/4 cup organic olive oil, shake shake shake
  • 10pm, down the mixture, lay down on right side for the night, fetal position.
  • Take 3rd Epsom dose upon waking. No eating. 2 hours later, take the 4th.

Note what comes out in the morning. You cleared your colon the night before, so this is all from the liver and the grapefruit juice and olive oil. A successful cleanse yields smooth emerald-colored ‘stones.’ They aren’t really stones, they are toxins in olive oil. The olive oil engorges the liver, the citrus squeezes it and forces it through the bile ducts, reaming them and scraping toxins out.

Foods that support liver detoxification and health:

beets                carrots             tomatoes         citrus fruits    spinach   burdock

cabbage           turmeric         walnuts            avocados         apples

garlic               dandelion root and greens  cruciferous and leafy vegs

asparagus        matcha green tea     olive oil     apple cider vinegar        licorice

black cumin seed oil            milk thistle    walnuts                Brussels sprouts

sarsparilla      ginger              chicory root

Coffee enemas for liver detoxification:

Coffee Enemas are a detoxification therapy used by the Gerson Therapy, the Hippocrates Institute, and thousands of alternative healers, to fight cancer and a host of other chronic disease conditions. There are skeptics but none I’ve of the critics I’ve read have actually tried them. Also, if you wish to cleanse your liver and are doing chemotherapy with a warning about ingesting citrus, you may feel better doing this. I experienced that they helped to normalize my bilirubin and liver enzymes and so I will share my experience and why they make sense to me.

Story goes… in WWI, field hospitals were short on water and pain killers. Doctors, working tirelessly, always had a pot of coffee going. Some enterprising nurses substituted leftover coffee for water in enemas and patients reported that it relieved their pain and nurses noted that it sped their healing.

My understanding of how and why it works is that by inserting coffee rectally, certain chemicals travel directly to your liver through the hepatic portal vein and stimulate bile production, which helps the liver to cleanse itself of toxins. Caffeine, theophylline and theobromine combine to stimulate and cause dilatation of blood vessels and bile ducts. Palmitates help the liver excrete toxins through bile to the gastro-intestinal tract. The flooding of the lower colon stimulates peristaltic activity thus the colon is evacuated, taking toxins and bile out of the body. Additionally, the coffee stimulates your body to make glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that binds to toxins to help rid you of them.

I did a coffee enema and other detox measures the night before my weekly  session of chemo. I didn’t detoxify immediately following treatment because I figured I was putting the very expensive poison into my body for a purpose so I might as well let it do its job before detoxifying. Coffee enemas are easy, gentle, and manageable when you are feeling week or ill and they always made me feel better and fortified before the next onslaught of chemo.

Some naturopaths advocate several coffee enemas a day and some recommend a high volume (3-4 cups) of coffee. Personally, I found one or two a week to be sufficient, but then, I had already done many different cleanses and I had a very strict organic and toxin-free diet. If you are very full of toxins, you may need more. I make a very strong (espresso or Turkish) cup of freshly ground organic (of course!) coffee, let it cool, and used only that. I don’t dilute it. The goal is to hold it inside for at least a half hour and I couldn’t do that if I used more volume. Initially, you may only be able to hold it for 5-10 minutes.

So, basically, I put the coffee in an enema bag (you can get from any drug store), it empties into the rectum using gravity, and soak in the bath for a half hour or so. You want to time it so that your bowels have already been emptied if possible because you don’t want to expel the coffee before it has a chance to work. I always put Epsom salts and baking soda in any hot bath water that I soak in because it neutralizes the toxic chlorine of tap water, pulls toxins out through skin, and creates an alkaline environment. It’s really not as bad as it sounds, gravity does the work, I get to relax in the bath, and I feel much better. It made a huge difference for me during chemo and radiation.

More… Coffee Enemas

Adrenal fatigue and support

As I discussed in Principle One: Avoiding Toxins (in Coffee and Stress), adrenals are part of the endocrine system (pineal gland, pituitary gland, pancreas, ovaries, testes, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, hypothalamus, gastrointestinal tract and adrenal glands) and release cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine in response to stress (and caffeine). Too many calls for stress hormones and adrenals get fatigued (hypoadrenia). When they get fatigued, the rest of the endocrine system can get out of balance too. Symptoms of adrenal fatigue include: auto-immune conditions, hair loss, chronic fatigue, brain fog, weakened stress response, hormone imbalance, insulin resistance, weight gain, cravings, bone or muscle loss, insomnia, decreased libido, mood swings, skin problems, etc.

To give your adrenals a break: reduce stress, take a caffeine holiday, take electrolytes (magnesium, potassium, and calcium, see p. 40 for electrolyte tonic), Vitamin C, and adaptogenic herbs (such as ashwaganda or astragalus).


The pancreas is part of the endocrine system as it produces blood-sugar regulating hormones insulin and glucagon. Part of the digestive system because of its exocrine function of producing digestive enzymes, it is a vital organ and prone to one of the hardest to cure or treat cancers. It doesn’t like stress, alcohol, cigarettes, or junk food. It does like water, ginger, garlic, spinach, probiotics, green tea, cabbage, blueberries, cherries, mushrooms, broccoli, red grapes, sweet potatoes, licorice root, and supplemental pancreatic enzymes.

After western medical treatment, I was diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis from exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, which was giving me chronic diarrhea. They basically fried my pancreas while radiating my thoracic vertebrae. I take Creon, which contains super huge doses of amylase, lipase, and protease (pancreatic enzymes) and it keeps the situation under control. Unfortunately, eating a dish of ice cream or a glass of wine may trigger an attack. I was reluctant to become dependent on supplemental enzymes, thinking it might lead to my pancreas’ inability to make its own (similar to how taking thyroid hormones can lead to its making less of its own). My gastro-enterologist said it was different… that the pancreas needs sufficient enzymes in order to make more.

The Lymphatic system

The Lymphatic system is part of the immune system. Through a network of nodes and vessels, it circulates lymph and the white blood cells made in the bone marrow and spleen. This system is also the primary drainage to rid yourself of cancer-causing toxins. It maintains fluid balance and plays a role in absorbing fats and fat-soluble nutrients. The better it functions, the healthier you will be. You want toxins out of your body and you want white blood cells where they are needed. The lymph system is unlike the blood circulatory system, which has a built-in pump. It has no mechanism to circulate lymph. It is dependent on your activity, that is why exercise such as yoga, bouncing on a mini-trampoline, laughing, deep-breathing, dry-brushing your skin,1 and lymph-drainage massage are frequently recommended.

Signs you may be suffering from a congested lymph system include: morning stiffness, fatigue, frequent infections, menstrual cramps, headaches, itchy and/or dry skin, rashes, bloating, breast swelling, water retention, brain fog, swollen glands, weight gain, chronic sinusitis, mood swings, sore throats, colds, ear issues, cellulite, cold hands and feet.

Foods that promote lymphatic health include: dark leafy greens, low-sugar fruits, garlic, ground flax and chia seed, seaweedand algae, avocados, walnuts, brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts, zucchini, celery, scallions, parsley, cruciferous vegetables, carrots, cabbage, and red foods like berries, pomegranates, cherries, cranberries, and beets. Herbs and supplements include: vitamin C, Echinacea, astragalus, and goldenseal. Drink lots of lemon water.

The breasts are part of the lymph system and it is closely connected to breast cancer. For that reason, I believe one should think long and hard before having a preventive mastectomy. If you don’t already have cancer, I argue, you want your lymph system intact in order to help prevent cancer.

  1. Dry-brushing tips

Colon and gut

An unhealthy colon can get coated in a residue of undigested food, harmful microbes, parasites, toxins etc. That residue is sometimes referred to as plaque and can serve to inhibit the healthy growth of good digestive microbes while promoting the growth of bad microbes, such as Candida. Leaky gut syndrome, or inappropriately increased permeability of the intestinal tract, can mean that toxins can escape to circulate in body fluids instead of being excreted and that nutrients can be diverted from going where they will do the most good. So, it is good to cleanse the colon and repopulate with good flora from time to time.

The liver cleanse outlined above also cleanses the colon so I don’t do another cleanse that focuses on the colon. A popular colon cleanse is to mix a teaspoon each of psyllium husk and bentonite clay in a glass of water. Drink and follow with a glass of water. Fruit, juice, or rice fasts of a few days with this daily mixture should do the trick. Remember to do a parasite and Candida cleanse first. Foods that detoxify the colon include: garlic, green tea, onions, lentils, ginger, lemons, apples (and unfiltered juice), grapefruit, kale, beets, pineapple, asparagus, sea salt, ground flax and chia seeds, cayenne, and avocados. Drinking aloe vera juice helps the intestinal lining to heal and restore after a cleanse.


The thyroid is a large ductless gland in the neck that secretes hormones regulating growth and metabolism. As a part of the endocrine system that is particularly linked to cancer, we will cover the thyroid’s role and how to support it in more depth in Principle Three. For now I will focus on identifying which toxins in Principle One are specifically toxic to the thyroid and provide a recipe to support it. Plastics, phthalates and other endocrine disruptors, fluoride, bromine, halogens (chlorine), perchlorate, and soybeans are particularly toxic. A thyroid cleansing drink consists of water, orange juice, lemon juice, cranberry juice, ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg.


The skin is our largest organ. As we discussed in Principle One, its porous nature makes it ideal for absorbing toxins. It also makes it ideal for ridding the body of toxins. Sweating is a natural way our body detoxes. Ways to accelerate detoxification through the skin include: far infrared saunas, soaks, baths, and foot pads. Scrubbing the skin afterwards is important so toxins don’t reabsorb.

Infrared saunas

Dry and steam saunas stimulate detoxification through sweating. Infrared saunas expose you to the healing infrared frequencies the sun provides without the accompanying harmful UV radiation. They also use less energy. ‘Far’ infrared is touted as more healing but there is evidence that ‘near’ infrared actually penetrates deeper. Experts seem to recommend the latter. They differ in the part of the spectrum the light used falls. I don’t have much of a recommendation. I don’t sweat. That’s bad and may be part of why I became ill. It’s also why saunas of any kind are uncomfortable for me.

Whole-body baths

Because of my broken hip, I soak in a hot bath nearly every night. I use Epsom salts, baking soda, and essential oils such as frankincense and lavender to neutralize water toxins and pull toxins from my body. Epsom salts contain magnesium and sulfates that pull harmful salts and toxins out and allows the magnesium and sulfates to enter using reverse osmosis. Magnesium plays a critical role in over 325 enzymes, helps to improve muscle and nerve function, reduces inflammation and improves blood flow and oxygenation throughout the body. Sulfates are necessary building blocks for healthy joints, skin and nervous tissue. This combination helps to flush toxins from the body and helps build key protein molecules in the brain tissue and joints.

I also use detox body soaks a bit high in the woo-woo factor but the results are undeniable. They are mineral solutions that have been energized with different parts of the light spectrum. Woowoo, right? I can’t explain how they work but they were recommended to me by someone credible, I tried them and am addicted. The first time I used one, I was so weak I could barely stand. There are soaks designed for detoxing chemo and radiation and I used those the night before chemo once a week.

If you are interested in suspending your disbelief, you can check them out at Magnetic clay baths are available on amazon (LL) and are designed for a full body soak. I didn’t want to subject my septic system to the clay after I was done so I chose to use them as foot baths in tubs I could just empty outside. The first time I used it, I could actually feel the toxins moving down my legs getting sucked out through my feet. Make sure you cleanse skin and feet after detoxing to prevent reabsorption.

Detoxing through your feet

Ionic foot baths also seem a bit high in the woowoo factor but I bought one, use it regularly on myself, my son, and my friends and we are all believers. Salt is added to water and given an electric charge to create ions that hold a charge enabling them bind to heavy metals and toxins in your body, similar to how a magnet works. You can make your own foot soaks: Salt bath- Add boiling water to 1c Epsom salts, 1c sea salt, 2 cups baking soda, and essential oils. Soak feet for 30 minutes. Clay bath – Dissolve ½ c Epsom salts in boiling water, then ad ½ c bentonite clay, soak for 30min.

My first experience with a form of a detox foot pad was when I had a plantar’s wart and someone told me to take a clove of garlic and tape it to the wart. I was far from medical services. I was skeptical but figured I couldn’t lose by trying. It worked… within a week, I was completely healed! Since then I have used homemade detox pads that are meant to detoxify the entire body through your feet while you sleep. When you see all the gunk that shows up on the pad in the morning, you’ll be glad you got it out of your body. Mince and dice garlic and onion, steep in boiling water, soak gauze in it (I’ve used pantiliners cut in half), tape to the arch of your foot, and cover with a sock before bed. Scrub feet after.

Castor oil

Castor oil is a vegetable oil with purgative and healing properties. I started using it a an eye make-up remover and nighttime moisturizer after I asked native Guatemalan women why their skin was so flawless and they told me they used castor oil on their faces. Applying castor oil compresses to inflamed or infected areas help them to heal, sometimes by visibly pulling toxins out. Naturopaths say it is effective in healing cancer. It may also be taken internally as a laxative or detoxifier. It is credited with supporting the lymphatic system, increasing circulation, preventing viruses, bacteria, yeasts and mold growth, fighting skin infections, healing acne, helping hair growth, reducing itching, fighting nail fungus, healing chapped lips, and reducing sunburns.

Removing dental toxins

As I discussed in Part One: Chapter Seven, our overall health, and cancer, in particular is very tied to the health of our teeth and gums so we want to make sure we take care of chronic infections we may not even know we have (root canals, etc.). We want to remove these toxins without introducing more, and I discussed mercury amalgams and root canals there. I also mentioned that, if you are on bisphosphonates for bone mets or osteonecrosis, you must be very careful about having any dental work done. So, no new information in this section, but dental health and dental toxins and removing them safely are very important on your healing journey so it bears mentioning again in this chapter.

Yoga, acupuncture, massage, exercise and sleep

We’ve discussed the benefits of these but let’s recap as they relate to detoxification. Yoga helps move lymph and deep-breathing exercises help expel toxins through the lungs. Acupuncture balances energy flow and specific protocols stimulate organs such as the lungs and kidneys to detoxify. Massage helps lymph circulate, getting rid of toxins and distributing white blood cells. Exercise strengthens, the heart, lungs, and immunity and increases circulation and the creation of bone marrow. Sleep is when our body detoxes. Specifically, the blood-brain barrier has been found to change its permeability while we sleep, allowing toxins to leave the brain… taking the garbage out, so to speak.

Common thread: Gramma comes through again

Do you notice a familiar theme in detoxifying and supporting your organs? Avoid sugar, alcohol, tobacco, processed and junk foods, exercise regularly, get sunshine, scrub your skin, think positive, get lots of sleep, drink lots of water, eat fresh, organic fruits and vegetables and the same list of usual suspects of healing substances listed on my desert island list (note that no meat or dairy products are listed as detoxifying agents). Was Gramma right all along?

Yummy Detox soup recipes

Summary: my current detox regimen

When I was actively fighting cancer and getting chemo and radiation, I did the previous cleanses at the start of treatment and did coffee enemas once a week, the night before chemo. I took Epsom salt/baking soda baths every night and the DNR Liquid Needle soaks the night before weekly chemo. I also took lots of marine algae and barley greens in my magic powder to clear the radiation.1

I was able to withstand an inordinate amount of chemo and radiation with no apparent lingering side effects. My current regimen to maintain my health (and, hopefully, my NEAD status) includes cleansing twice a year, in the spring and in the fall. I do a parasite cleanse concurrent with a Candida cleanse and the chelation suppositories and supplements I mentioned. Then, I follow with a liver cleanse and a week of coffee enemas. I do a coffee enema the night before my monthly immunotherapy infusion and a DNR soak after every scan. I take my magic powder every day. And I feel squeaky clean!

  1. Spirulina Reverses Radiation Damage




Disclaimer: I am only sharing my path. I am not a medical doctor and nothing I say should be construed as medical advice. Research organ cleanses and discuss with your doctor before you give them a try. Note that western medicine sources will most likely say that there is no benefit and may even be dangerous. Naturopathic sources make possibly exaggerated claims of benefits. I found cleanses effective. In October, 2012, no western medical doctor thought I would live beyond 2 months on their treatment plan. I am now NEAD with no residual side effects of the intense chemo and radiation that I endured, showing me that my protocol was good for me. You must follow a path that resonates with you. Bless you all on the path you choose.