Chapter 2: Top 10 Naturopathic Steps You Can Take Immediately

The secret to living well and longer is: eat half, walk

double, laugh triple, and love without measure. – Tibetan proverb

Because of my significant success with my own healing, I field frantic requests from people who have been recently diagnosed, . “What do I do first?” they ask. “You have a lot of work ahead of you,” I reply. “Pace yourself, believe in yourself, take charge of your healing, do your research, choose the path that honors you, and commit to it.” To be a little more helpful, here are the top ten naturopathic things I feel make a big difference in everyone’s ability to heal on Day 1.

  1. Breathe deeply, reduce stress, meditate on beauty, sleep… a lot
  2. Eat an organic, plant-based diet
  3. Exercise and ingest bone broth to build bone marrow
  4. Test for nutrients, hormones, pH, and toxins. Rectify imbalances
  5. Avoid sugar, alcohol, and processed foods, eat fresh and whole
  6. Do parasite, Candida , and organ cleanses
  7. Ingest key immune boosters and cancer killers
  8. Dental health – resolve any dental and periodontal issues
  9. Digestive health – Care for your microbiome
  10. Believe in your ability to heal and take charge of your healing

All are relevant to healing from injury or disease. I briefly address them here. More information is available in future chapters. If the path you choose involves toxic CCT, it is essential to support and protect your healing body.

  1. Breathe deeply, reduce stress, meditate on beauty, sleep, exercise

Let’s bring your body into balance in order to heal. It is likely that environmental stressors have imbalanced it… whether daily stress of a busy life, emotional stress from unresolved issues, anxiety caused by recent injury/surgery/diagnosis, or stress from toxins, pathogens, and genetic mutations and predispositions. Meditation, deep-breathing, exercise, yoga, massage, sleep, exercise, and acupuncture recommended. Avoid toxic relationships and emotions.

  1. Eat an organic (reduce toxins) and plant-based (reduce inflammation) diet 

If you are ill, your immune system is overwhelmed and not doing it’s job properly. Chances are it is overloaded with environmental toxins and not getting the proper nutrition. Not only does organic farming not use carcinogenic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers that stress your immune system, it is designed to maximize the nutritional benefit of food crops.

I’m not saying no meat or animal products, but the higher the proportion of plants to animals you ingest in your diet, the healthier you will be. If you do ingest animal products… absolutely no processed meats, avoid red meat, minimize dairy, and eat only organic (or at least raised without antibiotics and hormones). Digesting animal products can be hard work for your digestive system. Bone broth is an excellent way to get nutritional benefits from meat without stressing an already taxed system. Diet can cause or reduce inflammation.

  1. Exercise and ingest bone broth to build bone marrow

Bone marrow is our immune factory, making white blood cells and platelets. Cancer, especially bone metastases, can decimate it. Chemo and radiation definitely decimate it. Exercise (recently identified as the number one lifestyle factor in good health) and ingesting bone broth are the best two naturopathic ways to build bone marrow.

  1. Test for nutrients, hormones, pH, and toxins, and rectify imbalances

Ask your doctor and your naturopathic healer to test you for imbalances of both toxins and nutrients… blood, urine, hair… whatever they offer. Insist on an iron panel from your doctor, including Ferritin, because iron is both a toxin and a nutrient and plays a significant, but not widely known, role in cancer and other chronic disease conditions. You want to be on the low end of the ‘normal’ range for both. Test for iodine and Vitamins D3and B12 and supplement if deficient. Check your hormone levels (especially thyroid) and liver enzymes. Avoid coffee and caffeine (for now… don’t worry, this isn’t good-bye). Check urinary and salivary pH with test strips you can buy at the drug store.

  1. Avoid sugar, alcohol, and processed foods… eat fresh and whole

Sugar, and food that easily converts to sugar, feeds Candida and cancer, suppresses your immune system, causes inflammation and acidosis. In addition to being sugar, alcohol is a toxin, stresses your liver, and promotes cancer. Your body evolved  (or was designed) over millennia to eat the foods found in nature.

  1. Do parasite, Candida, and organ cleanses

We all have parasites… more than we like to think about. They play a causal and correlational role in many disease conditions, including cancer. At the very least, they stress your body and sap you of the energy you need for healing. Candida is a parasite of sorts and compromises many systems. Candida overgrowth can cause leaky gut syndrome, allowing toxins, parasites, and nutrients to enter the bloodstream in ways that do not serve you well. Liver health is extremely important to detoxifying your body, fighting disease, and healing.

  1. Ingest key immune boosters and cancer killers

Spirulina, chlorella, seaweed, algae, barley greens, and wheatgrass are superfoods that provide much-needed nutrients and detoxify radiation. Reishi, Chagas, Lionsmane, Cordyceps, Turkeytail, Shiitake, and Maitake mushrooms are a few species of mushrooms that have immune-boosting, cancer-killing properties and contain beta glucans, which boost immunity and increase the efficacy of some immunotherapies. Melatonin inhibits cancer and increases sleep. Fish oil strengthens the immune system. Astragalus is a potent immune booster. Our bodies have within us a system of receptors  (the EndoCannabinoid System) that react to cannabinoids to regulate our immune system and fight disease. Cannabis contains many different compounds that fight cancer very effectively and cross the blood-brain barrier, which can be an incredible advantage.

  1. Resolve any dental and periodontal issues

The health of teeth and gums is intertwined with overall health. My largest brain tumor disappeared without a trace within 3 weeks of removing a root canal tooth that was nearby. A chronic infection with no symptoms was revealed. Chronic infections suppress local immunity, allowing cancer to thrive.

  1. Care for your microbiome

Less than 8% of the DNA in our bodies is human. The rest is from microorganisms that determine, among other things, what we eat, how we digest, immunity, and how we heal. After killing the parasites and Candida, ingest aloe vera juice for healing and high-quality prebiotics,  probiotics, and digestive enzymes.

  1. Believe in your ability to heal and take charge of your healing

Of the hundreds of things that I did (western and naturopathic), the one thing I know was necessary to accomplish my miracles, was to believe in myself. I believed that I could heal myself, that I was not going to die as they said I would, and I took charge of every step of my healing.


This post is from Book 2 of my Thrive Tribe Series, What I Did and Do and Why, a naturopathic protocol that helps me to survive and thrive, available from the bookstore, starting at $7. The book will be posted sequentially in its entirety on this blog, once a week. Subscriptions are free.


Nothing contained on this website nor in my blogs or books should be construed as medical advice. I am not a doctor. I am a Stage IV metastatic breast cancer thriver who is currently NEAD and simply sharing my journey in the hopes it helps you to find your power and path. Please research anything I share to determine if it is a good choice for you. I believe in you! Bless you all on the path you choose.






naturopathic anti-cancer protocol