Kaiulani Facciani Cancer in the News

Natural cancer fighters (cannabis, bee venom), Androgen receptors in BC, Taking Supplements

7th Issue

Natural Cancer Fighters

Androgen Receptors in BC

Taking Supplements


Natural cancer fighters

Honeybee venom ‘kills some breast cancer cells’

“Australian scientists say the venom from honeybees has been found to destroy aggressive breast cancer cells in a lab setting… The venom – and a compound in it called melittin – were used against two cancer types which are hard to treat: triple-negative and HER2-enriched… This study demonstrates how melittin interferes with signalling pathways within breast cancer cells to reduce cell replication.”

My two cents: It always makes me happy when compounds occurring in nature are found to kill cancer cells. But, many things kill cancer cells in the lab. I’ll wait to get excited until it proves successful at the next step… in vivo testing in animals.

Cannabinoids and Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Treatment

“The interactions between HR+ BC and cannabinoids are complex and the clinical significance of such interactions is currently impossible to predict.

My two cents: These results corroborate what we already knew through back channels… that treating HR+ breast cancer with cannabinoids can be tricky. This study is from Slovenia. What we really need is for Cannabis to no longer be classified as a Schedule 1 substance so that researching (and receiving funding to research) will be legal to study the different cannabinoids in relation to different disease conditions and subtypes IN THIS COUNTRY. Support federal legalization now!

Ease Up on Cannabis Research Restrictions, Heart Group Urges – Scientific statement calls for lifting marijuana’s Schedule 1 status

“Cannabis should be removed from Schedule 1 of the U.S. Controlled Substances Act so that it can be better researched, according to a statement by the American Heart Association (AHA)… A key concern is whether cannabis triggers or potentiates major adverse cardiovascular events such as acute MI and arrhythmias, as well as its impact on cardiovascular risk factors.”

My two cents: Ya think?

Androgen receptor in breast cancer: A wolf in sheep’s clothing? A lesson from prostate cancer.

“ The recent availability of selective AR inhibitors approved for the treatment of prostate cancer has opened up the possibility to use them in BC patients whose tumors express AR. However, AR appears to have various functions according to the BC subtype, e.g. ER-positive or triple negative BC and the patient prognosis is different on the basis of the presence or absence of estrogen and progesterone receptors.”

My two cents: Interesting… additional breast cancer typing may result in additional, less expensive tools to fight it.

Supplement Smarts: Best Ways to Take Different Vitamins

“Eating a variety of healthy foods is the best way to meet your health needs. But if you’re low on a certain vitamin or mineral, or just want to cover all bases with a daily MVM (multivitamin/mineral), these tips will help you get the most from it.”

My two cents: There is some interesting information here that I hadn’t known.


Cancer in the News has a posting frequency of once every two weeks, usually on Wednesday.

Subscriptions are free.



I have three books that you may be interested in. Part of my Thrive Tribe Series, Book 1, Whatever Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Strong, a memoir on surviving life and denying death, is available in print, ebook, and audiobook formats. Book 2,  What I Did and Do and Why, a naturopathic protocol that helps me to survive and thrive, is available in print and ebook formats.  Book 3, My Path as a Graceful Warrior, is a prompted journal for people going through heavy stuff (print only). Books start at $7 for you, my Thrive Tribe, at the bookstore on my website. Subscriptions are free.


Nothing contained on this website nor in my blogs or books should be construed as medical advice. I am not a doctor. I am a Stage IV metastatic breast cancer thriver who is currently NEAD. I’m simply sharing my journey in the hopes it helps you to find your power and path. Please research anything I share to determine if it is a good choice for you. I believe in you! Bless you all on the path you choose.