The Protocol: Principles

Kaiulani’s Naturopathic Healing Protocol

  1. Stop putting toxins in
    1. eat organic and evaluate your cosmetics and cookware
    2. avoid foods that create inflammation, avoid processed foods
    3. reduce stress
  2. Get the toxins you’ve accumulated your whole life out
    1. metals and radiation
    2. parasites – candida, worms, flukes
    3. cleanse and support your organs – kidney, liver, skin
  3. Rectify specific nutritional and hormonal imbalances
    1. vitamins and minerals – D, iodine, Bs, calcium, iron
    2. boost overall nutrition – organic juicing, bone broth
    3. test and balance hormones
  4. Help your immune system to fight disease
    1. exercise, sleep
    2. ingest immune boosters
    3. identify and resolve chronic infections
  5. Kill the little bastard cancer cells
    1. ingest natural cancer killers, such as medicinal mushrooms and cannabis
  6. Take care of your emotional wellness
    1. practice meditation and stress reduction
    2. focus on emotional cleansing and spiritual growth
    3. have hope and believe in your ability to heal

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