Principle 5: Killing Cancer (Part A)

As we’ve been discussing, cancer is something the body does… it ‘cancers’ in response to imbalances in biological systems. We’ve discussed how toxins can overwhelm your immune system, how nutritional deficiencies can weaken it, and how to boost it… all to balance your systems and create a bioterrain that is no longer hospitable to cancer. Sometimes killing cancer can be as easy as not allowing it to thrive and your immune system can do the rest. This section focuses on making the bioterrain downright hostile to cancer. In addition to chemotherapy and radiation, there are many substances that have been used for thousands of years to kill cancer. Many more substances are contained in the grid in Healing Substances than I cover here.

  • How cancer is killed
  • The blood-brain barrier
  • Advances in western medicine
  • Top natural cancer killers I used
  • Top natural cancer killers I didn’t use

Next week’s post will be devoted to the most effective naturopathic cancer killer I have found… Cannabis.

How cancer is killed

Cancer is a clever bastard. The biological processes it commandeers to increase its deadly hold are apoptosis, angiogenesis, and metastasis. Cancer cells can be destroyed by blasting them with toxins, but that may win the battle and lose the war. Subverting cancer’s mastery of these three processes may be the more strategic way to win the war. Apoptosis is programmed cell death, the natural process by which multi-cellular organisms get rid of cells no longer needed, being replaced, or detrimental.

Cancer figures out a way around this programming and doesn’t die when it should. The same mechanisms that allow cancer to evade apoptosis are the same mechanisms that allow it to survive cytotoxic treatments, such as chemotherapy. In other words, avoiding apoptosis is integral to tumor development and resistance to therapy. Cancer has taken the bullets out of the gun pointed at its head. Anti-cancer strategies that subvert cancer’s subversion are basically putting bullets back in the gun and forcing it to pull the trigger. That is a poetically just way for cancer to die, doncha think?

Angiogenesis is the formation of a blood supply to feed a tumor. Remedies to prevent this (anti-angiogenesis) basically prevent cancer from feeding itself and it starves… another poetically-just demise. Metastasis is cancer migrating from its original site to set up shop elsewhere. Strategies to inhibit metastasis try to prevent cancer from carrying out its deadly mission. Nobody dies of cancer in the breast, for example. They die when it has metastasized to vital organs.

The blood-brain barrier

The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a mesh of tissues that protect the central nervous system (CNS – the brain and spinal nerves) from toxins and pathogens. Molecules must be small enough to pass through. Metastasis to the brain, one of our most vital organs, is especially worrisome and difficult to treat because many chemotherapies and natural remedies are ‘large-molecule’ and cannot pass through. Cancer can run in here to thrive, protected from some of our natural effective immune responses as well as remedies and treatments we are employing successfully in the body as a whole. The sneaky little bugger pisses me off when it does that. I have lost too many friends and suffered the biggest personal scares to brain metastases. So, I list the ability to cross the BBB in describing cancer-killers. You can run but you can’t hide, you little bastard!

HER2+ cancer patients are more likely to develop brain metastases. I have heard four theories… 1.) that people are living longer because of Herceptin so there is more chance for it to move to the brain, 2.) that cancer cells are smart enough to cross the BBB to hide where the Herceptin can’t get them, 3.) that there is actually something about Herceptin that increases the ‘stickiness’ of the cancer tendrils which allow it to successfully metastasize and 4.) that there is something else about HER2+ cancer cells that find the brain easy to metastasize in.

Another interesting theory is that the StereotacticRadioSurgery (SRS) treatments I had done on my brain ‘poked holes’ in my BBB. So that now the immunotherapy (Herceptin and Perjeta) that helps keep the cancer at bay in my body can now get into my brain and keep brain metastases from forming. Of course if that is true, I’m susceptible to other nasty things, too.

Advances in western medicine

Diagnosis, testing, and staging.

Cancer may be suspected by the presence of symptoms. Follow-up tests may include blood tests looking for elevated tumor markers1 and liver enzymes. Radiographic imaging may show tumors or active cancerous metabolic activity. Tissue pathology of a suspicious mass, or ‘cells on slide,’ is the definitive determinant of malignancy, type and stage that will determine the SOC (standard of care). Liquid biopsies, or blood tests that can detect cancer through genomic testing, represent the cutting edge of cancer diagnosis.2,3,4,5

Every cancer is different and genomic tumor testing identifies DNA alterations driving the growth of a particular tumor. Researchers are working on a blood test to detect brain metastases while still treatable6 and a new pen-like device that accurately identifies cancer in seconds by touch7 are exciting new developments. Oncology is currently changing its guidelines for staging breast cancer to factor in genomic testing of the DNA of the tumor.8

  1. Patient Guide to Tumor Markers
  2. Blood test that can detect cancer
  3. Mutation tracking in circulating tumor DNA predicts relapse in early breast cancer
  4. FDA Okays Wide-Ranging Cancer Gene Test
  5. New Super-Sensitive Liquid Biopsy Test For Breast Cancer Described As Possible “Game-Changer”
  6. Researchers working on blood test to detect brain metastases while still treatable
  7. Scientists: New Device Accurately Identifies Cancer in Seconds
  8. US Oncologists change how they rank breast cancer
Cancer Vaccines.

Several efforts under way are creating vaccines to prevent and treat or stop metastasis of cancer.1,2 Dr. Brian Czerniecki has a vaccine that targets HER2+ breast cancer,3 Washington University has reported promising early results for a breast cancer vaccine based on mammaglobin,4 the University of Washington has created a cancer vaccine research center, Dr. William Coley is targeting ovarian and breast cancers,5 Dr. Elizabeth Mittendorf at MD Anderson is working on a vaccine to prevent recurrence of HER2+ cancer,6 and human trials have started on a Stanford university study that was successful in eliminating tumors in mice by combining two immune-stimulating agents.7 More vaccines are in clinical trial. Search the database listed in Resources in the Appendix to find one that may apply to you.

  1. A Review of Breast Cancer Vaccines
  2. Vaccines fact sheet
  3. Research continues yes following promising results of a vaccine targeting HER2+ breast cancer
  4. Breast cancer mammaglobin vaccine
  5. Ovarian-breast cancer vaccine
  6. Nelipepimut-S Plus GM-CSF in Breast Cancer
  7. This Cancer ‘Vaccine’ Cured Tumours in Mice, And Human Trials Have Now Started

Immunotherapy works with the immune system to hinder growth of cancer cells, destroy them, or stop their metastatic spread. Vaccines are a type of immunotherapy, as are monoclonal antibodies, and oncolytic virus therapies. Part of my success is due to Herceptin and Perjeta, monoclonal antibodies that target HER2+ breast cancer. They bind to HER2 receptors on the cancer cells, preventing them from sending the signal to divide and serving as a marker for my immune system… “Hey, I got one, come over and kick it’s ass!” At least that’s how I picture it. I root them on at every infusion.

Immunotherapies either stimulate the immune system or genetically engineer a patient’s immune cells to attack specific cancer cells. They’ve had amazing results in prolonging and preserving quality of life. 5-year survival rate for breast cancer is now 89% compared to 63% in the 60s. Most attribute that to immunotherapy. In CAR-T therapy, a patient’s own immune cells are genetically engineered to recognize and attack cancer.1 Recently, customized immunotherapy resulted in a stage 4 MBC patient being disease-free for the last two years.2

Ten new drugs were launched globally in 2014. But immunotherapy is only available for certain cancers and works in only 20% of cases. Immunotherapies tend to not have the side effects associated with cytotoxic chemotherapies but can trigger serious autoimmune side-effects… certain immunotherapies cause the immune system to attack organs.3 Immunotherapies are expensive but cheaper biosimilars are starting to come out on the market.

Like many drugs, cancer can figure out a way around immunotherapy. I am constantly told that even though I am NEAD, cancer will eventually outsmart my immunotherapy and kill me. That’s why I follow my naturopathic protocol and don’t put all my eggs in that basket. Cancer cells grow too fast for T-cells to keep up, and they also trick T-cells into thinking they’re normal cells. Dr. Stanley Riddell trains T-cells to recognize and eliminate cancer cells in a shorter time span, causing remission in blood cancers.4 In another new approach being studied, researchers boost T-cells that recognize a cancer’s older mutations, and hope to annihilate every cell in a tumor.5

  1. The promise and price of cellular therapies
  2. Doctors hail world first as woman’s advanced breast cancer is eradicated
  3. Immune System, Unleashed by Cancer Therapies, Can Attack Organs
  4. Promising therapy sends 93% of incurable cancer into remission
  5. Scientists discover a way to annihilate every cell in a cancerous tumor

Biotechnology converts viruses into therapeutic agents by reprogramming viruses to treat cancer. This includes anti-cancer oncolytic viruses1, viral vectors for gene therapy, and viral immunotherapy. Viruses are currently being studied to boost immunotherapy in brain cancer.

  1. Oncolytic viruses to treat cancer
Repurposed drugs.

Drugs intended to treat other diseases have been recently been found to be effective in treating cancer. Examples include: the decongestant supplement NAC (N-acetyl cysteine),1 anti-diabetes drug Metformin,2,3 anti-malarial medicines,4 an old drug for alcoholism (disulfurim),5 and naldextrone, an anti-addiction drug  used in low doses.6 Doxycycline and other anti-biotics have been found to eradicate cancer stem cells in women with breast cancer,7 and doxycycline has been combined with IV Vitamin C  to increase it’s effectiveness.8

  1. Decongestant revealed as ‘highly effective’ in starving cancer cells
  2. Is a diabetes drug the key to aggressive breast cancer?
  3. Metformin, 1p diabetes pill, is new weapon against breast cancer
  4. Malaria drugs could help to combat cancer
  5. An old drug for alcoholism finds new life as cancer treatment
  6. Low Dose Naltrexone and cancer
  7. Antibiotic effective in breast cancer clinical trial
  8. Combining vitamin C with antibiotics destroys cancer stem cells
Drug combination.

If you take Ibrance, talk to your doctor about Xalkori, a drug found to increase effectiveness when taken together.

– Drug Combination Appears to Boost Breast Cancer Drug’s Effectiveness

Intrathecal administration of anti-cancer drugs.

As I have mentioned, most chemotherapies cannot cross the blood-brain barrier, making the brain a safe haven for metastasis. It is possible to get chemo put directly into your Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) intrathecally (IT), through an Ommaya port or a spinal tap. Not every drug has been approved by the FDA for IT administration but there are clinical trials and it is something to talk to your oncologist about if brain metastases are getting the upper hand. Ultrasound and osmosis have been used to allow selective penetration of the BBB.1,2

  1. Scientists Breach Blood-Brain Barrier To Deliver Cancer Drugs
  2. Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption

Researchers are diligently searching for a cure for cancer. As I’ve said, I don’t believe there will ever be one cure that will work on its own to defeat all cancers in all people. But non-toxic treatment that can buy time for some people is welcomed. Researchers at the Mayo clinic have isolated the gas pedal and the brake in cancer growth and have discovered a way they can potentially reprogram cancer cells into normal cells.1 An Israeli team has identified an enzyme that supports the survival and dissemination of metastatic cells, and developed a synthetic compound that targets that enzyme and kills metastatic cancer cells in mice.2

A University of Windsor lab has discovered a lab-synthesized drug compound based on extract from the spider lily to kill 20 varieties of cancer cells.3 The University of Arizona has programmed nano-robots to seek and destroy cancer cells.4 And researchers have attached anticancer drugs to a malaria protein and used it to deliver them to tumors.5 Checkpoint inhibitors, such as PD1k and Tyrokinase, also represent a new area of research.

  1. Mayo Clinic researchers find new code that makes reprogramming of cancer cells possible
  2. Cancer: New compound targets energy generation, thereby killing metastatic cells
  3. University of Windsor lab uses compound inspired by spider lily to kill cancer cells
  4. Cancer-fighting nanorobots programmed to seek and destroy tumors
  5. Malaria protein shows potential as cancer treatment

Top natural cancer killers I used

Many substances I’ve covered for detoxifying, nourishing, or immune-boosting properties are considered cancer killers because of those actions. In this section, I focus on natural substances I continue to use that specifically kill cancer by inducing apoptosis, reducing angiogenesis, or inhibiting metastasis. Following that are substances with purportedly potent cancer-killing properties but that I didn’t use. A table of substances and their detoxifying, nutritional, immune-boosting, and cancer-killing properties follows in Part Three.


Cannabis is very powerful and played such a large role in my miracles that it gets its own very large 10-part section in next week’s post.

Medicinal mushrooms.

After Cannabis, medicinal mushrooms are my most recommended substance. Several species are considered medicinal, having strong anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. Some are particularly effective at fighting cancer1…. Reishi, Lionsmane, Chagas, Turkeytail, Cordyceps, Shitake, Maitake, Oyster, Tuckahoe, and Royal sun agaric. Specifically in breast cancer, Turkeytail mushrooms have been studied the most.2 They have anti-viral properties that uniquely target onco-viruses.

A study by Bastyr University, in conjunction with the NIH, has found a Turkeytail extract helped increase tumor regression in conjunction with chemotherapy in a mouse model of prostate cancer and are currently conducting another study on its immune-enhancing effects against breast cancer.3

Paul Stamets, arguably the world’s leading expert on mushrooms, treated his mother who had Stage 4 breast cancer and a 3-month survival prognosis with Turkeytail and she is disease free and living a vibrant life in her 80s. It was written up for publication4 but I urge you to watch the TEDMED talk on it5… you will fall in love with her and mushrooms! Actually, go to YouTube and watch every Paul Stamets video posted, you won’t regret it… fascinating speaker.

They also enhance the effects of CCT, particularly immunotherapy, and protect against damage and side effects from CCT. I buy the Immune Blend powder in bulk from  which contains 10 types and mix it into my magic powder, taking holidays periodically. Capsules also available.

  1. Medicinal Mushrooms (PDQ®)
  2. Medicinal Mushrooms and Breast Cancer
  3. Cancer Researchers Present Turkey Tail Findings
  4. Turkeytail mushrooms and the treatment of breast cancer
  5. Paul Stamets, Turkeytail mushrooms breast cancer
Wormwood (Artemesinin).

As we discussed, wormwood is a highly effective parasiticide. In addition to killing worms, it also strengthens the immune system, is a powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-malarial agent that kills cancer by inducing apoptosis and inhibiting angiogenesis.

Artemisinin induces apoptosis in human cancer cells
Artemisia Annua, Artemisinin & 2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine – A Cancer Fighting Plant

Pau d’Arco.

I met a woman who had a breast tumor that did not do CCT and told me she made 3 gallons of Pau d’Arco tea every morning and drank it throughout the day and within a month, her tumor disappeared. This is totally anecdotal and hard to believe but Pau d’Arco is consistently the most effective substance I have used for Candida cleansing and I use it frequently. As I have mentioned, Candida and cancer are related. Causality has been hypothesized but not determined. There is research into its cancer-killing properties.1

  1. Sloane Kettering: Pau d’arco
Essential oils.

Essential oils are concentrated distillations of plant oils with powerful healing properties. I took a university class on the biochemical properties of essential oils, how they work with the immune system, and about the chemical qualities of different categories of oils and how they detoxify and boost immunity on a molecular level. They fight bacteria and viruses, stimulate the immune system, and some fight cancer.1 They can be ingested (not all are safe), absorbed through skin, inhaled in concentrated form or put in a diffuser. They convert to water-soluble molecules and cross the blood-brain barrier.

Frankincense. Frankincense is a resin and oil made from the Boswellia plant and has been found to kill bladder, pancreatic, breast, colon, brain, lung, prostate, and ovarian cancer cells in vitro and in vivo.2 Because of its neuro-protective, immune-boosting, and anti-inflammatory properties, it has been used instead of steroids in brain cancer cases to minimize swelling. Myrrh is an antimicrobial oil with anti-cancer properties. Lemongrass has antioxidant, anticancer,3 and antimicrobial properties, and lab studies have shown anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer properties. It destroys pathogens, reduces inflammation, protects against DNA damage, protects against malaria, neutralizes free radicals, balances cholesterol levels, and modulates sleep.

Thyme essential oil was found to kill 98% of human breast cancer cells in vitro in Swiss and Turkish studies and to be the most cytotoxic to cancer of 10 oils studied in another.4 Rosemary essential oil has antioxidant properties and powerful anti-tumor properties in the colon, breast, liver, stomach, skin and blood. One study found that rosemary oil deactivated more than 90 percent of ovarian and liver cancer cells.5

I’ve talked about the powerful anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and immune-boosting properties of Oregano oil making it warrant a permanent place in my first aid kit. Oregano compounds have also been found to use signaling pathways that cause ‘cancer cell suicide.’  Clary sage has been found to have anti-cancer effects but, since it is high in phytoestrogens, it isn’t clear that it would be advisable in ER+ cancer. Chamomile extracts inhibit skin, prostate, breast, and ovarian cancer cell lines. A Swiss study found it killed 93% of breast cancer cells and another found it inhibited cell mutation by 60–75%. Other oils found to kill cancer cells include: Lavender, Orange, Lemon, Eucalyptus, Clove, and Peppermint.

I ingest essential oils in gelatin capsules (not all are safe to ingest), put them in my bath and in the diffusers next to my computer and bed, and apply them topically at my ankles, wrists, behind my ears, and at the base of my nose.

  1. Cancer chemoprevention therapy terpenes
  2. Frankincense derived heavy terpene cocktail boosting breast cancer cell (MDA-MB-231) death in vitro
  3. Two Studies Reveal Cancer Killing Effects of Essential Oil
  4. Activities of ten essential oils towards Propionibacterium acnes and PC-3, A-549 and MCF-7 cancer cells
  5. Antibacterial Activity and Anticancer Activity of Rosmarinus officinalis L. Essential Oil Compared to that of Its Main Components
Apricot seeds.

Also known as Laetrile, Amygdalin has been claimed to kill cancer cells, reduce tumors and prevent metastasis. Found in the seeds of many fruits and vegetables, it is most concentrated in apricot seeds. Anecdotal stories of success abound and many clinics in Mexico use it as a cancer ‘cure.’ An 85% success rate is claimed among patients who did not have CCT. Sloane Kettering even used to use it.

However, it is a controversial cancer treatment … people make cancer cure claims that have not been supported by clinical trials and they contain cyanide. While the body processes cyanide, children have been poisoned and the FDA has not approved it. Jason Vale claimed he cured cancer with it, sold it as a cancer cure, the FDA prosecuted him, and he did jail time. It has been found to kill prostate1 and colon2 cancer cells in the lab. I take 7 seeds every morning, what appears to be safe for my body.

  1. Amygdalin cell cycle progression and blocks growth of prostate cancer cells in vitro
  2. Antimutagenic, Antirecombinogenic, and Antitumor Effect of Amygdalin in a Yeast Cell-Based Test and Mammalian Cell Lines

Contains essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, powerful anti-oxidant polyphenols, and natural anti-bacterial compounds. Moringa also contains the bioactive compound niazimicin which has a primary role in restraining the development of cancer cells. I put it in my magic powder.


Curcumin is the active ingredient in the Turmeric root which I use in juicing and cooking and is available in powdered form which I put in everything, including my magic powder. One powerful benefit it has for me and my family is that it chelates iron, removing it. It has many healing qualities and kills many kinds of cancer cells, but here is a review of its use in breast cancer.1

  1. Anticancer effect of curcumin on breast cancer and stem cells

Green tea.

Green tea contains polyphenols, catechins, and tannins, all healing substances with significant anti-cancer activity. For breast cancer, see.1

  1. Green tea compounds in breast cancer prevention and treatment

Marine algae.

Seaweed, kelp, and microalgae such as chlorella and spirulina are in this category. I take some every day for it’s detoxification of and protection against radiation damage, modulating my thyroid hormones, as well as its anti-cancer actions.1 And I eat seaweed salad whenever I can. All contain iodine, the deficiency of which, is linked to cancer. A close friend who had stage 4 lung cancer took brown sea algae in large amounts, no CCT,  and defied all odds and is still alive and cancer –free today. Anecdotal, yet compelling.

  1. Marine Microalgae with Anti-Cancer Properties

Top natural cancer killers I didn’t use

(but might consider if cancer came back)
Mistletoe (Iscador).

I didn’t take Iscador, although it is popular in naturopathic circles and in Europe as an anti-cancer agent. You can take it orally or by intravenous infusion. Unfortunately, my friends who tried it ended up dying anyway so it clearly was not enough. It has been found to mitigate the adverse side effects of chemotherapy. I might consider this if cancer came back.

Mistletoe PDQ

Black Cumin Seed.

There are many studies on Thymoquinone, found in Nigella Sativa, or black cumin seed, and its effects on cancer. It has a wide array of healing properties (anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, insulin regulation, lowers blood pressure, etc.) but it’s apparent success in killing cancer cells as told in anecdotal stories in the naturopathic literature as well as in vitro and in vivo studies for pancreatic, colon, breast, and brain cancer is impressive.

Thymoquinone promotes apoptosis and inhibits angiogenesis and metastasis… the trifecta. It also enhances the effects of chemotherapy (particularly aromatase inhibitors) and protects against damage from radiation. I will add this to my daily routine. Recommended dosage is 1 tsp 3x/day of ground seed mixed with honey. Oil made from the seeds is also available. As always, consult your doctor. I haven’t found drug interaction warnings but have found warnings against use during pregnancy and if you have extreme low blood pressure.

Thymoquinone: A novel strategy to combat cancer: A review.

IV Vitamin C.

I know many who had IV Vitamin C. Several died anyway, so it is not a cure by itself. Doctors warn against taking antioxidants while undergoing chemotherapy because it can dangerously increase the effects of chemo but that may mean you can lower your chemo dosage. A 100:1 ratio of Vitamin C to vitamin K3 is called Apatone and is administered to kill cancer.

Vitamin C and cancer PDQ
High-dose vitamin C makes cancer treatment more effective
How Apatone Is Changing The Way We Fight Cancer

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.

Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) treatment enhances the amount of dissolved oxygen in the plasma and thereby increasing O2 delivery to tissue. Many worried it might promote cancer but studies have found that it can induce apoptosis in cancer cells and inhibit angiogenesis.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and cancer—a review

Photothermal Therapy.

In a recent human trial, this nanoparticle-based, focal therapy completely eradicated tumors with no significant side effects.
Quest for new cancer treatment crosses milestone

Dandelion Root.

The root, leaves, and flower of the common dandelion have been touted for years for powerful healing properties, including fighting cancer. Anecdotal stories abound but I have not found compelling research.

Graviola (aka soursop, guanabana, cherimoya, and brazilian pawpaw).

This fruit has a strong reputation as a cancer killer. I first took it as an ingredient in an anti-cancer supplement, Ellagic Acid (natural phenol antioxidant found in raspberries and other fruits) with Graviola. I kept hearing about this miracle fruit but didn’t find it readily available. However, it grows all over the place in Hawaii and while there, I pick it, make juice, and tea from the leaves. I can’t attribute my recovery to it but perhaps it plays a role in my maintaining NEAD. It has vitamins, antioxidants, and acetogenins and boasts anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-viral, and antibacterial properties.

Anti cancer activity of Graviola

Graviola: Inhibits Tumorigenicity and Metastasis

Modified Citrus Pectin.

Dr.Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc is a proponent of MCP and Honokiol to fight cancer, having conducted most of the published research. Full disclosure, he manufactures and sells supplements so there is potential for a conflict of interest. Or, he believes in it so much, he wants to make it available. He focuses on the role of elevated levels of Galectin-3 in cancer and of Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) in binding to and inhibiting Gal-3, thus lowering levels and fighting cancer. Galectin-3 is a protein whose elevated levels are associated with a three-fold increase in mortality, according to a study of 8000 people. It is a new biomarker for cancer and heart disease. It promotes angiogenesis, the formation of a network of blood vessels which supply tumors.

Several labs test Gal-3 levels, but insurance will require pre-authorization. After hearing Dr. Eliaz present at a medical conference, I asked my oncologist to check mine. The test is used to assess heart disease and since I must monitor heart health while taking Herceptin, insurance paid for it. In previous research, healthy individuals had a median level of 62, and metastatic breast cancer patients had a median level of 170. Since I was diagnosed Stage 4, with metastases to the lungs, liver, lymph, spine, pelvis, and brain, I thought my levels would be up around there.

But I am NEAD, no evidence of disease, so hopefully, they would be much lower. Dare I hope my levels might approach the levels of a healthy person? Dr. Eliaz indicated to fend off the ravages of cancer and heart disease, one should aim for less than 18. I introduced myself, told him my story and asked him what he thought my Gal-3 levels would be. He said I looked so incredibly healthy that perhaps they might be as low as 12. I beamed and told him they were 9!!!! He hugged me!

MCP comes from peels, seeds and pulp of citrus fruits using a chemical extraction process. It is an antagonist to Galectin-3 that decreases expression and blocks the damage caused by excess Gal-3. MCP inhibits cancer growth and metastasis, enhances chemotherapy, modulates immune function, chelates heavy metals, and crosses the BBB. I have researched but haven’t found the cause of elevated levels of Galectin-3. Preventing the rise of those levels would be easier than treating them but all I’ve found shows a correlation, not a cause. Increased Gal-3 is associated with inflammation, which we all know is associated with cancer, so I suppose it could be that avoiding all those lifestyle and diet choices that cause inflammation could play a role in keeping your Gal-3 levels down but, again, it could be correlational and not causal.

Dr.Eliaz: Modified Citrus Pectin Guide


A powerful anti-cancer compound derived from the bark of the Magnolia tree, Honokiol is an ancient staple of traditional Asian medicine. It is hundreds of times stronger than curcumin, protects the brain, crosses the blood-brain barrier, and kills cancer. It inhibits angiogenesis, fighting cancer growth and reducing proliferation. Honokiol stimulates apoptosis by itself as well as enhancing the apoptic effects of certain chemotherapies. It suppresses certain cancer proteins and it redifferentiates the cell and opens the mitochondria only in cancer cells, bringing about their death.

Honokiol: for cancer prevention and therapy

Dr. Eliaz: Honokiol reference guide


GcMAF is a protein we make ourselves normally. It modulates the immune system by increasing macrophages and T-cells. Nagalese is an enzyme that works against GcMAF and is a tumor marker because high levels mean that your immune system is not equipped to fight cancer. If you get tested and your Nagalese levels are high, you may wish to look into GcMAF as a potential complementary therapy as you may not be making your own to fight cancer effectively. Since GcMAF requires Vitamin D3 to work effectively, this link may be related to the close link between Vitamin D3 deficiency and cancer. It may enhance the effects of immunotherapy. Supplements are available in injectable or oral forms. If cancer came back, I would probably get my nagalese levels tested and think about trying supplemental GcMAF.

Gc-MAF in cancer immunotherapy

How to make GcMAF at home

Gumby Gumby and Blushwood berry.

Several readers from down under have told me about two different aboriginal natural healing substances with potent cancer-killing properties but I’ve had a heck of a time finding anything out about them. Gumby Gumby (aka pittosprum angustifolium) and Blushwood berry (aka hylandia dockrillii the extract is known as EBC-46) are both native to Australia and clinical trials are apparently underway there.

Gumby Gumby

Cancer drug destroys tumors in preliminary trials

Nrf1 and Nrf2.

One theory states cancer is due to mitochondrial dysfunction. Mitochondria are intracellular organelles also known as the powerhouses of our cells, giving us energy on the cellular level. Unlike nuclear DNA, mitochondrial DNA do not contain histones. The theory is that without the protective power of histones, they are reliant on certain proteins to protect them from mutations arising from oxidative stress and toxins in our environment. There are products that are promoted as providing these proteins and activating the Nrf1 and Nrf2 signaling pathways, providing protection from cancer. Nrf1 helps maintain mitochondrial function and Nrf2 turns on your anti-oxidant-making mechanisms. I have no experience with or opinion on the products.

Nrf1, Nrf2, oxidative stress regulation, androgen signaling, cancer

Nrf-2 pathway in cancer progression and therapy

Tian Xian.

Tian Xian is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) used as an anti-cancer remedy that includes the extracts of fourteen medicinal plants. In vitro studies show it to boost immune cells and induce apoptosis in cancer cells. Its is very expensive and available as a capsule, liquid, or suppository.

Tian Xian Activates Pregnane X Receptor and Induces CYP3A Gene Expression in Hepatocytes

Bloodroot Salve (aka Black salve).

Bloodroot is an herb and the primary ingredient in Black salve, a topical application that draws a cancerous tumor out from the body. I have seen early-stage, localized cancerous tumors treated with bloodroot disappear. It is not a pretty sight. But I still lost my friends because errant cells metastasized before the tumors went away. The only mention in scientific literature I found that supported this notion that it can excise tumors close to the surface but is ineffective against metastasis. It is available for oral use to address those circulating cancer cells, but I have no experience.


I have occasionally used Melatonin as a sleep aid and have heard of anti-cancer properties but never really incorporated it into daily use. After researching it for the Substance table (in Part 3), I discovered it gets a check mark in every category and stumbled upon some amazing research. It enhances the effects of and protects against adverse side effects of CCT.

Melatonin in cancer treatment

The four As – Andrographis, Ashwagandha, Astaxanthin, Astragalus.

I have mentioned Astragalus under immune support. Astaxanthin is a substance found in salmon, shrimp, and marine algae and the other three are herbs used in TCM and/or Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. They all have weird names beginning with A and they all have potent anti-cancer properties, so I always get them confused. I swear by Astragalus and Andrographis (they are in my magic powder) and I am thinking about adding the other two.

Essiac Tea.

Based on a traditional cure from the Ojibway Indians, it contains burdock root, slippery elm, sheep sorrel and Indian rhubarb. Said to be effective on newly diagnosed cancer patients without fast-growing cancer, I took it when first diagnosed and felt my body liked it. I took it irregularly after I was diagnosed with extensive metastases. Scientific analysis has found potent anti-oxidant and DNA-protective qualities but the only documented success I have found has been anecdotal.


Collagen has been widely touted as an anti-cancer substance, but is a double-edged sword. While studies have found that it promotes apoptosis and boosts the immune system, studies have also found it to promote angiogenesis and metastasis. I used it in my magic powder before discovering that. I continue to use it but have removed it from my list of ingredients for you.

Cancer reactivated by collagen

Collagen promotes breast cancer cell invasiveness

The Paradox of Soy.

Soy products, which contain the isoflavone Genistein, present a paradox… to eat or not to eat? While there is a significant body of research showing the anti-cancer properties of this substance, there have also been studies, which show that it can fuel cancer growth in estrogen-positive breast cancer. But women in Japan, who eat much more soy than American women, have one-fifth the rate of breast cancer. What’s up? Naturopaths recommend ingesting only fermented soy products and not processed soy. Maybe that’s the difference?

A prevailing scientific theory on the differential effects of soy on estrogen-related cancers is that if you grow up eating genistein, it is a cancer preventative and continuing to eat it can stimulate your immune system and increase survival if you do get cancer. But if you haven’t spent your life eating soy and you get estrogen+ cancer, starting to eat it can cause it to act like estrogen and fuel growth. This is extrapolated from an animal study but it makes a certain amount of sense to me. My cancer is not estrogen+ so I’m not sure any of this applies to me. I’m not a big soy user anyway.

Scientists Untangle Soy-Breast Cancer Paradox

Cat’s Claw.

I did not use this herb (although it is reputed to have anti-cancer properties) because a South American shaman told me they don’t use it for women because it is a ‘male’ herb. Perhaps that explains why it has been found to be highly effective for prostate cancer but not breast cancer. In fact, pregnant and nursing women are warned against its use.



This post, Killing Cancer Part A, is from Book 2 of my Thrive Tribe Series, What I Did and Do and Why, a naturopathic protocol that helps me to survive and thrive, available from the bookstore, starting at $7. I am posting the entire book sequentially, in its entirety, on this blog once a week. Subscriptions are free.

Nothing contained on this website nor in my blogs or books should be construed as medical advice. I am not a doctor. I am a Stage IV metastatic breast cancer thriver who is currently NEAD and simply sharing my journey in the hopes it helps you to find your power and path. Please research anything I share to determine if it is a good choice for you. I believe in you! Bless you all on the path you choose.

All original content contained on this blog, What I did and do and why, is copyrighted 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Kaiulani Facciani, Snarling Wolf, Inc.