Press Release:
Inspiration & information so you don’t go off and die just because someone in a white coat says you will
June 7, 2020, Colorado – Kaiulani Facciani, a miraculous breast cancer thriver, has recently published three books as part of her Thrive Tribe Series. Published by her non-profit organization, Snarling Wolf, Inc., her goal is to provide inspiration and information so that people don’t just go off and die because someone in a white coat said they will. Having defied dire prognoses of imminent death, outliving her expiration date on three separate occasions, she believes in the indomitable human spirit to win against all obstacles. Kaiulani employed both western medicine and naturopathic principles in her protocol and is firmly convinced that both were necessary for her miracles.
About Kaiulani Facciani
Kaiulani’s journey with breast cancer began in August 2007. After a roller coaster ride from hell, she thought it was over after 6 months. But 5 years later, it reared it’s ugly head with a frightening terminal diagnosis of Stage IV metastatic cancer. By 2012, tumors had crushed several vertebrae in her neck and spine and split her sacroiliac joint apart. She lost full use of her legs and one arm. She had lesions on her liver, lungs, and lymph nodes. With nothing to lose, she threw everything she could at healing. She employed a strict naturopathic regimen, received chemotherapy and radiation, and meditated on spiritual healing. She worked hard to rebuild joints and muscles and to survive both the cancer and the toxic treatments. 13 months after diagnosis, most of her tumors were gone and she had regained 99% mobility. Although still considered terminal, she felt like she was going to live forever.
Then, Halloween of 2013, they found 9 brain tumors, a rare and dangerous type of brain metastasis with an average survival of 2.8 months after diagnosis. The tumors were inoperable, and were ineligible for targeted radiation, most chemotherapies couldn’t penetrate, and the blood-brain barrier prevented the targeted immunotherapy that had been keeping her alive from entering her brain to kill the cancer within. She had to get creative.
She is still alive… for now… and has been NEAD (No Evidence of Active Disease) since May of 2014!!!!! Recently, she was diagnosed with a large, difficult-to-treat tumor in the center of her brain. Living in Puerto Rico, she was urged to return to the states for treatment immediately. Unable to return immediately and needing to change insurance, she relied primarily on naturopathic remedies and consumed a little bit of chemotherapy. Upon landing in the states, she immediately got a new brain MRI, which showed the tumor had disappeared without a trace!
Kaiulani’s Message
Kaiulani is indebted to all healers who have helped her on her path… even those who, at first, appeared negative and obstructionist. She learned from them as well. By sharing her journey, she wishes to encourage and empower others to take charge of their lives and to defeat the obstacles that may face them. Her path is just that… what she chose as being right for her. Perhaps reading it will spark others to take note of their own experiences in a new way. One that allows them to incorporate the lessons they are learning into a formula for positive change. Only they truly know what is best for them. No one will ever care as much as you about saving you, you have a lot to live for… go to it!
If someone is looking for a guru to tell them what to do and who to be, she’s not their girl. She believes in their indomitable spirit and innate wisdom to know what’s best for them. All she can do is communicate that belief, encourage them to believe in themself, wake them to their wisdom, and provide raw materials for them to ply that wisdom on. If someone disagrees with something she’s done or said, good for them! That means they are in tune with and have confidence in themself. Her work is done.
The Books
Book 1, Whatever Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Strong, on surviving life and denying death, is an inspirational memoir recounting the lessons she learned in life and how she applied them to overcome significant obstacles. It provides an inside view to what terminal cancer patients face, not only the challenges offered by the disease but also those presented by the modern medical establishment in this country as well as well-meaning friends and family. Since this is the type of book one might wish to read while curled up in an easy chair on a rainy Sunday afternoon or listen to while working on the garden, Kaiulani recommends the print or audio version.
Book 2, What I Did and Do and Why, a naturopathic protocol that allows me to survive and thrive, details the protocol she followed. The title comes from everyone wanting to know what she did, but that she doesn’t feel she should tell others what to do. So she annotates what she did, what she feels served her well and continues to do, and nearly 700 links to research, articles, and anecdotal stories that provided the basis for wanting to try them. Kaiulani strongly believes that everyone must find their own unique path and that her truth is not everyone’s truth, but that by providing this information, she may help people to find their path. This is the book she wishes she had when diagnosed. Book 2 contains a large and heavily researched section on the role of Cannabis in treating cancer. More than once, Cannabis played an important role in Kaiulani’s miracles and she provides this chapter to educate as to the value of this powerful plant in healing many disease conditions. She feels this section alone is worth the price of admission. Because of the hundred of links in this book, she recommends purchasing the ebook version.
Book 3, My Path as a Graceful Warrior, Find Your Voice, Find Your Power, is a prompted journal for patients, or anyone facing challenges really, to help them process what they are going through. As she posted her inspirational quotes on Facebook, Instagram, and her blogs, her readers pleaded for her to publish a book of quotes. Journaling was essential for Kaiulani to process her journey and she often urges others to journal, only to hear they don’t know where to start. My Path as a Graceful Warrior provides a vehicle by providing quotes to serve as writing prompts. The “my” in the title is to represent the person keeping the journal. It is only available in print format. “Torn between the desires to fight to control our destiny or to surrender with grace, we can choose to walk between…the path of the graceful warrior.”
All books are available from the store on her web site, www.kaiulanifacciani.com. Print versions are printed and fulfilled through Amazon, so her site sends you there to order those versions. Ebooks, available for Books 1 and 2 only, are available for download directly from her site in epub (ibook), mobi (Kindle), and pdf (universal) formats for $7, a 30% discount over other channels. An audiobook version of Book 1 is also available for $7. Purchasers of books are members of Kaiulani’s Thrive Tribe and can email her anytime for inspiration or information.
The Blogs
As part of the book rollout, Kaiulani’s website and three blogs have been completely redone. Subscription is free, registrants receive notifications when something new is published. www.makesyoustrong.com offers inspirational writings… essays from Book 1 as well as inspirational quotes from Book 3. www.whatididanddoandwhy.com is based on Book 2 and will contain all of the content of the book… for free. At some point, it will be easier to own the book ($7 for the recommended ebook version). www.imgonnaliveuntilidie.com is an inspirational travel blog to show patients that there can be life after that chemo chair. Inspired by her own momentary loss and regain of hope while undergoing treatment, she urges others to never give up, to dream, and to commit to realizing those dreams. She penned and recorded a ‘spoken-word’ poem, entitled I’m going to Live Until I Die, that can be viewed on her YouTube channel or her web site). Purchasers and/or subscribers receive membership in Kaiulani’s Thrive Tribe, can receive any or all of her 5 newsletters, and may email her any time for inspiration or information.
All books and blogs are published by Snarling Wolf, Inc. a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to providing inspiration, information, and support to people facing serious challenges in their life, including health challenges, including cancer. It is named for her iconic poem on what it is like to have metastatic cancer.
The Snarling Wolf
by Kaiulani Facciani
You don’t ‘beat’ stage IV breast cancer.
The most you can do is grab the snarling wolf
by the throat and hold it at arm’s length,
trying not to be intimidated by the fangs
and the spittle and the intensity of its desire
to rip you to pieces.
If you’re lucky, you temporarily tame it
or it may tire itself out for awhile
but you are always on your guard,
knowing it will eventually awaken and attack again.
Right now, he is currently snoring softly at my feet
(be vewy, vewy qui-yet).
More by Kaiulani Facciani…
Web site: www.kaiulanifacciani.com
Blogs: (free subscription)
Information: www.whatIdidanddoandwhy.com (naturopathic protocol)
Inspiration: www.imgonnaliveuntilIdie.com (inspirational travel blog)
www.makesyoustrong.com (inspirational essays and QODs)
Books: (order audio, electronic and print versions at Bookstore on above web site)
Book1: Whatever Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Strong
Book 2: What I Did and Do and Why
Book 3: My Path as a Graceful Warrior (prompted journal)
The Secret Life of Iron (work in progress)
Facebook Pages: Like…
Kaiulani Facciani, Cancer Blogger,
Kaiulani Facciani Cannabis Success Stories
Got hope?, I’m gonna live until I die, My Path as a Graceful Warrior
Twitter: @makesyoustrong
Instagram: kaiulanifacciani
YouTube: Kaiulani Facciani
Disclaimer: Kaiulani Facciani is not a medical doctor. She is simply a breast cancer thriver who shares information to help others find their path. She believes in you!