I’m gonna live until I die!

Inspirational Travel Blog

I reached a point during treatment, where I decided “if this is living, then I don’t want to live.” Chemo had reduced me to not wanting to fight anymore. I was ready to give up. My son’s spring break was coming and I was determined we would have one last trip together. Dreams of this ‘last trip’ got me through. This photo is very meaningful to me. I’m wearing a hat because I had lost my hair (March, 2013). So I got permission to skip two weeks of chemo and we went to Panama. I felt alive again, remembering why I wanted to live. I made the decision that day on the beach that I was done with chemo. For those sitting in that chemo chair right now, with your life light flickering… please think of what joy might be on the other side of treatment. Tuck away some strength somewhere and, when you think, you can’t go on, pull it out and surprise yourself!

This blog chronicles my adventures after refusing to die just yet. I share my journeys to inspire you to dream. Travels Postdiagnosis: Panama, Fiji, Vieques, Croatia, Italy, Cuba, Costa Rica, the US, Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand, Puerto Rico. May they inspire you to look beyond the current hall you may be in. I’ve been there. If it wasn’t for my ability to envision a different reality, I would still be there. I may be there again, sooner than I hope. But meanwhile, brothers and sisters… Let’s live until we die!